
To connect Christ-following technologists, developers, inventors, and enthusiasts to one another, and to the missions and ministries that need their talents.


To serve and grow the Kingdom of God with every tool, skill, and opportunity available to us.

To meet the unmet needs with no stone unturned.

To do everything, always to the glory of God.


Kingdom Builders has one goal: bringing together followers of Christ from modern technology fields, so they can encourage one another, band together, and drive forward projects that solve real needs.

Sometimes we wonder what God wants us to use our skills for, why he made us with the abilities we have. It can be hard to find a place; it’s not often someone stands up in church and says “I need volunteers for this Saturday, and you need to know JavaScript,” or “We’re starting a new small group this summer, bring your own Arduino!”

Without a doubt, we can be a huge asset to ministry and missions, but the conversation needs a volume boost. With a lively and interactive community, we find teammates, brainstorm together, and discover problems we can solve,

As iron sharpens iron, we will make each other better servants of the Kingdom.

What it’s Not

Kingdom Builders is not a company. It’s not a consultancy, a recruiting agency, or a development team.

We aren’t here to be the name that owns products, to provide infrastructure or funding for projects.

If you kickstart a project through Kingdom Builders, we won’t try to take any credit; your project is yours!

Our goal is conversation. We want people to share, collaborate, and get each other excited!